Fragolino Granatino Rose Novellina

Fragolino Granatino Rose Novellina

Granatino Rose Novellina – elite sparkling wine-based drink
Strength (ABV): 7%
Bottle size: 0.75 l.
Region: Italy

Fragolino Granatino Rose Novellina

It is manufactured in Veneto and Emilia-Romagna regions of Italy, made of the traditional aromatic grapes varieties with adding pomegranate juice. You can recognize it in a glass by the festive light-rose sparkling bubbles.

This rose wine became popular through its pomegranate aftertaste. The drink is ruby-colored and has a bright, fruity aroma.

Its taste is balanced: it is moderately sweet and fresh. The wine passes a secondary fermentation and filtering process; that is why it is classified as a high-quality drink.

Fragolino Granatino Rose Novellina

We recommend drinking it chilled to 6-8°C because it better reveals the pomegranate wine taste and aroma.
Granatino Rose Novellina goes excellent with fine dining as seafood, fish dishes, pastes, and oysters. It could be both an aperitif and a sweet cocktails component.

Do you want to surprise your guests? The sparkling pomegranate wine can be your good spirits secret.

Professional sommelier and wine connoisseurs recommend Granatino Rose Novellina for creating a festive atmosphere.