Fragolino Rosso Novellina

Fragolino Rosso Novellina

Fragolino Rosso Novellina – elite sparkling wine-based drink
Strength (ABV): 7%
Bottle size: 0.75 l.
Region: Italy

Fragolino Rosso Novellina

It is manufactured in Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, and Apulia regions of Italy, made of natural products – “Extra” Class Fragola grapes with the addition of strawberry juice. You can recognize it by the elegant rose bubbles sparkling in a glass.

This red wine became popular through its rich strawberry taste, which is not accidentally because the word “fragola” is translated from Italian as “strawberry.”

The drink is ruby-colored and has a bright berry aroma. Its taste is balanced: it is moderately sweet and fresh. The wine passes a secondary fermentation and filtering process, which is a reason for its classification as a high-quality elite drink.

Fragolino Rosso Novellina

We recommend drinking it chilled to 6-8°C because it better reveals the taste and aroma of the wine. Fragolino Rosso Novellina goes well with both fruit salads, salted types of cheeses, and no so sweet desserts.

The sparkling strawberry wine is about celebration, good mood, and originality. Professional sommelier and wine connoisseurs also recommend Fragolino Rosso Novellina.